Financial Education

Lunes, Marso 28, 2011

Do you want to Master Leverage?

In the first place what is leverage? Here is how our virtual mentor, T Harv Eker, defines leverage:

> Leverage is using other people's talents, skills, contacts, credibility, and resources.

> Leverage is fully utilizing the latest technologies in computers, software and telecommunications to increase your speed and efficiency.

> Leverage is using the power of media to get millions of dollars of free publicity.

> Leverage is borrowing celebrity fame for endorsements.

> Leverage is selling products before you have them, or at least, before you pay them!

> Leverage is expanding your business using your costumer's or supplier's money.

> Leverage is getting the best people in your industry to work for you now, for almost "nothing."

> Leverage is getting more from each of your employees by properly training them well, and giving them the space to express their true talents.

> Leverage is getting more from yourself, enhancing your business knowledge, developing yourself personally and increasing your stamina and energy.

> Leverage is managing your time more effectively so you do the right things instead of just doing things right.

> Leverage is a MINDSET. It's am ART. It's a SCIENCE. It's an essential piece of the Speed Wealth Puzzle. It often separates those who create financial freedom quickly, from those who continue to struggle for the rest of their lives. Remember... If you're not using leverage, you're working to hard and earning too little!

If you think you have what it takes to be a Master of Leverage we challenge you to be part of the Team Archer, learn the art and science of leverage and be a team made millionaire.

So, do you want to master leverage?

7 key Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is about more than just starting a business or two, it is about having attitude and the drive to succeed in business. All successful Entrepreneurs have a similar way of thinking and posses several key personal qualities that make them so successful in business. Successful entrepreneurs like the ambitious Richard Branson have an inner drive to succeed and grow their business, rather than having a Harvard Business degree or technical knowledge in a particular field.

All successful entrepreneurs have the following qualities:

1. Inner Drive to Succeed
Entrepreneurs are driven to succeed and expand their business. They see the bigger picture and are often very ambitious. Entrepreneurs set massive goals for themselves and stay committed to achieving them regardless of the obstacles that get in the way.

2. Strong Belief in themselves
Successful entrepreneurs have a healthy opinion of themselves and often have a strong and assertive personality. They are focused and determined to achieve their goals and believe completely in their ability to achieve them. Their self optimism can often been seen by others as flamboyance or arrogance but entrepreneurs are just too focused to spend too much time thinking about un-constructive criticism.

3. Search for New Ideas and Innovation
All entrepreneurs have a passionate desire to do things better and to improve their products or service. They are constantly looking for ways to improve. They're creative, innovative and resourceful.

4. Openness to Change
If something is not working for them they simply change. Entrepreneurs know the importance of keeping on top of their industry and the only way to being number one is to evolve and change with the times. They're up to date with the latest technology or service techniques and are always ready to change if they see a new opportunity arise.

5. Competitive by Nature
Successful entrepreneurs thrive on competition. The only way to reach their goals and live up to their self imposed high standards is to compete with other successful businesses.

6. Highly Motivated and Energetic
Entrepreneurs are always on the move, full of energy and highly motivated. They are driven to succeed and have an abundance of self motivation. The high standards and ambition of many entrepreneurs demand that they have to be motivated!

7. Accepting of Constructive Criticism and Rejection
Innovative entrepreneurs are often at the forefront of their industry so they hear the words "it can't be done" quite a bit. They readjust their path if the criticism is constructive and useful to their overall plan, otherwise they will simply disregard the comments as pessimism. Also, the best entrepreneurs know that rejection and obstacles are a part of any leading business and they deal with them appropriately.

True entrepreneurs are resourceful, passionate and driven to succeed and improve. They're pioneers and are comfortable fighting on the frontline .The great ones are ready to be laughed at and criticized in the beginning because they can see their path ahead and are too busy working towards their dream.

Would you like to be part of our Successful Entrepreneurs?

The Four Types of Person

There are Four Types of Person regarding Time and Money Freedom:
1) People with no time and money. They have no time because they must devote themselves to work. And they have no money because they have to pay their bills and expenses everytime they receive their salary, leaving them broke every end of the month. The funny thing about this is that I belong to this group before. I used to be an employee and as a youngster in the corporate world you know the money I earn is not enough so I have to overwork just for my ends meet. Since I'm also assisting my mom's medical expenses.

2) People with time but no money. Because they don't have work, they have lots of free time. And because they don't have work, they don't have money. There's no better example here than the people better known as "tambay". Well, this is very easy to find here in the Philippines. Because you can find them anywhere.

3) People with no time but with money. These people are strict savers, they don't have time like the # 1 person because of work. But they have money because they save too much or because of high compensation. These are people who are at the top of the corporate ladder. They have high income but at the same time, the demands are high too. Since they are being paid higher, so the company requires them to go early and stay later at work. These people are CEOs, Presidents, VPs, Managers, etc..

4) People with time and money. They are called, the wealthy. They have time for their loved ones, and they can do whatever they wish. Because they have passive income, they don't need to work. And its the same reason why they have money, because what they have is multiple streams of passive income.. These people are passive business owners and investors, they belong to the right side of the quadrant.

You can be one of these persons. But you have a choice to change if you don't like your standing. In fact, a lot of people think they are destined to be where they are now. And they never realize that they had choosen to be what they are.

For me, I had choosen to be a number 4 person. And I know I can do it, most especially because of the community's strategy to create TEAM-MADE MULTIMILLIONAIRES.
So, which group do you belong? 1, 2, 3 or 4?